5 Things To Know About ONE’s Newest Submission Grappling Ace Gianni Grippo

Gianni Grippo

Fans of world-class ground fighting are in for a treat at ONE Fight Night 28: Prajanchai vs. Barboza on Prime Video, as one of America’s top Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt competitors will make his debut on ONE’s massive global platform.

On February 7 in U.S. primetime, New Jersey native Gianni Grippo will square off with talented Brazilian Gabriel Sousa in a featherweight submission grappling tilt at Lumpinee Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.

Long heralded as a master technician and a dangerous finisher, Grippo is eager to make a splash in the world’s largest martial arts organization.

Before he locks horns with Sousa this Friday, we dive into five key facts about the 32-year-old promotional newcomer.

#1 He Helped Lead A Technical Revolution In BJJ

A gifted athlete and a naturally competitive youngster, Grippo started BJJ at 10 years old when he began commuting into New York City to train daily at the famed Renzo Gracie Academy. He took to the grappling art quickly, dominating high-level competitions throughout his colored belt career.

Importantly, Grippo was at the forefront of what is often referred to as the “Berimbolo Revolution” – a major shift in modern BJJ that emphasized complex guard play focused on the berimbolo, an advanced technique that involves inverting under an opponent to take their back.

As a rising star on the international scene, Grippo proved to be on the cutting edge of technique and innovation, and his trademark berimbolo will be carefully studied by generations to follow.

#2 He’s A Black Belt Under Marcelo Garcia

After winning IBJJF World Titles at the blue, purple, and brown belt ranks, Grippo switched gyms to train under BJJ GOAT and current ONE superstar Marcelo Garcia.

Learning from and training alongside “Marcelinho” left a massive impact on the young American as he continued to round out his overall BJJ game and sharpen his mindset.

Then in 2013, the legendary Garcia awarded Grippo with his black belt, marking the beginning of his career at the highest level of competition available.

#3 He’s One Of America’s Most Decorated Competitors

The new black belt wasted no time living up to the lofty expectations, and in early 2014, he claimed gold at the IBJJF Pan-American Championships – a title he has since won twice more.

Grippo hasn’t slowed down at all since then and has spent the past 10 years cementing himself as one of America’s all-time greats. In addition to his Pan-American golds, he is a multiple-time Pan-American No-Gi Champion and a three-time IBJJF No-Gi World Champion.

No stranger to competing against the best of the best, he holds notable victories over the likes of ADCC silver medalist AJ Agazarm and IBJJF World Champions Jamil Hill-Taylor and Paulo Miyao, among countless other respected black belts.

#4 He’s An Avid Rock Climber

While Grippo is renowned for his grueling, hours-long training sessions and endless dedication to BJJ, he remains physically active when he’s not on the mats.

Outside of the training room, he loves to improve his grip strength, problem-solving abilities, and overall physicality with rock climbing and bouldering – his preferred method of strength and conditioning.

#5 He’s A Strict Vegan

Grippo fuels his active lifestyle with an entirely plant-based diet.

For the past few years, he’s followed a strict vegan meal plan, finding that eating meat and dairy-free has given him improved energy, stamina, and resilience to illness and injury.

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