此外前ONE冠军赛蝇量级世界冠军哥杰·艾乌斯塔奎奥、两届ADCC巴西柔术世界冠军尤里·西蒙斯还有排名第五的草量级选手利托·阿迪旺将纷纷在全球舞台上一展绝技。请标记您的日历,查看您的本地列表,并立即下载ONE Super应用程序!

约翰 莱因克尔 | VS | 凯文·贝灵刚 |
巴西 | 国家 | 菲律宾 |
🎥 TRIFECTA: Only one man was left standing when knockout artists Kevin Belingon 🇵🇭 and John Lineker 🇧🇷 threw down 🔥🔥🔥🎥 TRIFECTA: Only one man was left standing when knockout artists Kevin ' The Silencer' Belingon 🇵🇭 and John Lineker 🇧🇷 threw down 🔥🔥🔥 #InsideTheMatrix3
Posted by ONE Championship on Friday, November 13, 2020

宋旻钟 | VS | 哥杰 艾乌斯塔奎奥 |
韩国 | 国家 | 菲律宾 |
🎥 TRIFECTA: Did Geje Eustaquio stop "Running Man" Song Min Jong in his tracks? We’ve got all the best angles of their fight right here!🎥 TRIFECTA: Did Geje Eustaquio stop "Running Man" Song Min Jong in his tracks? We’ve got all the best angles of their fight right here! #InsideTheMatrix3
Posted by ONE Championship on Friday, November 13, 2020

穆拉德 拉玛扎诺夫 | VS | 手塚裕之 |
俄罗斯 | 国家 | 日本 |
🎥 TRIFECTA: Did Russian destroyer Murad Ramazanov keep his undefeated streak intact or was the "Japanese Beast" Hiroyuki Tetsuka able to come through? Watch and find out!🎥 TRIFECTA: Did Russian destroyer Murad Ramazanov keep his undefeated streak intact or was the "Japanese Beast" Hiroyuki Tetsuka able to come through? Watch and find out! #InsideTheMatrix3
Posted by ONE Championship on Friday, November 13, 2020

尤里 西蒙斯 | VS | 樊荣 |
巴西 | 国家 | 中国 |
🎥 TRIFECTA: All the best shots from two-time ADCC World Champion Yuri Simoes' 🥋 ONE debut against "King Kong Warrior" Fan Rong 🦍🎥 TRIFECTA: All the best shots from two-time ADCC World Champion Yuri Simoes' 🥋 ONE debut against "King Kong Warrior" Fan Rong 🦍 #InsideTheMatrix3
Posted by ONE Championship on Friday, November 13, 2020

箕轮洸叶 | VS | 利托 阿迪旺 |
日本 | 国家 | 菲律宾 |
🎥 TRIFECTA: All the madness from Lito Adiwang's 🇵🇭 strawweight scrap against Hiroba Minowa 🇯🇵🎥 TRIFECTA: All the madness from Lito “Thunder Kid” Adiwang's 🇵🇭 strawweight scrap against Hiroba Minowa 🇯🇵 #InsideTheMatrix3
Posted by ONE Championship on Friday, November 13, 2020